I have one friend who is restoring his 71 R/T 6 pack 4 speed car #100104 another selling his Hemi car which was at the Calgary World of Wheels last February and my own 6 pack automatic #100909 which I purchased new in October 1970.
I recently reread the article; I think it was originally in Motor Trend about the 71 Chargers back when they just came out. If you noticed in the last or second last paragraph they did admit the 6 pack car definitely needed some tuning. This is what leads me to my TRUE story about these cars.
In 1970 I was an apprentice mechanic at Gardner Motors in Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada. I was then driving a 1966 Charger 383 automatic. At our monthly Chrysler meeting and tech film the sale manager got up to give has comments for the month and stared at me for a few seconds and then said. Dean, I just got 2 Hemi cars and a 440 6 pack in so come down to the lot and pick your next car. Everyone burst out laughing and I turned beet red.
The next day I talked to the sales manager about what he said and asked him how he thought an 18 year old kid could afford one of those cars.
His answer was, you work here and can buy at staff rate and you have a good trade. Give me your keys and I'll check your car out and after work go try out the 71 Chargers. After work which went down to the last tic of the punch clock and seemed to take forever I went road testing.
First I checked out the Blue Hemi automatic and took it up to the marked off 1/4 mile next to the Goodyear Tire Plant (where they made the tires for the car) and let it rip. After a couple of runs its best run was about 97 mph and this is at about 3000 feet. Next I tried the red Hemi automatic and run a best at 98 mph.
I drove the Hemi cars first just from what other people had told me to buy but I really liked the Bright White on the 6 pack car.
What a nice car with the hide-a-way headlights, cloth insert seats, spoilers, etc. Up to the Goodyear Plant and on the throttle! Wow first run was 107 mph. I hit it again and it ran exactly the same.
On the way back to the car lot I thought maybe the 6 pack had a better rear end ratio so I checked all 3 cars and they all had 3.23 gears.
I thought I got to buy on the 6 pack just because it was the fastest without a doubt. So the sales manager says the 6 pack is $6245 new and was like all 3 cars, a Chrysler Corporation Representive Car with just under 3000 miles on it so retail is 5350 and your staff price would be $4350. I'll give you $1700 for your '66 Charger with a balance of $2650.
I had the loan and the car the next day.
Hope you enjoyed.