Sequence Number This number (s) was used for internal factory tracking of the vehicle. Cars that have more than one Broadcast Sheet, will notice that this number could be different on each sheet, as the sheets are used for different parts of the car as it goes down the line. The first digit could be a letter or number.
Vehicle Order Number (V.O.N.) This number was used for both the Factory and the Dealer to track the Vehicle through delivery. The first three digits are the scheduled build date. All vehicles started production in August of the previous year of the year of the vehicle. (August 1970 to July 1971).
Of the three digits the code breaks down as the following:
- First Digit = month
- Second two digits = day
- 8 = August of 1970
- 9 = September of 1970
- A = October of 1970
- B = November of 1970
- C = December of 1970
- 1 = January of 1971
- 2 = February of 1971
- 3 = March of 1971
- 4 = April of 1971
- 5 = May of 1971
- 6 = June of 1971
- 7 = July of 1971
This Vehicle scheduled build date (May 07, 1971)
The next six digits of the (VON) was the number punched in when the order was made. In most cases the first digit is just a number as orders are taken. But Special first digits did make a difference in the Vehicle production. Some examples:
- B = Export to Canada
- D = Unknown
- E = Export to International
- G = Sunroof
- M = Show Car
- R = Special Order Magazine or Testing
All of the (VON) will appear on the second row of the Fender Tag.
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) All 13 digits make up the vehicle's (VIN). The (VIN) tag is a metal tag riveted to the dash. The (VIN) will also appear on the first row of the Fender Tag and Title of the vehicle. It will be found on a decal that is placed on the inside of the driver's door. For '71, part of the (VIN) is stamped on the engine, transmission, radiator support and on the cowl.
Car Line: 1971 Make & Price Class which is a combination of the following two letters:
W = Charger
S = Special Class (Charger R/T)
M = Medium Class (Super Bee)
P = Premium Class (Charger 500 and SE)
H = Hardtop Class
L = Low Class (Charger Coupe)
Body Type:
- 21 = 2-door pillar coupe
- 23 = 2-door hardtop
- 27 = 2-door convertable
- 29 = 2-door Chargers (500 and SE)
Eng: Engine size and type - Codes could change yearly, and also take notice that two different codes may be used for the same size of engine...this is to designate the type. (2bbl vs. 4bbl etc.) We will just be working with 1971 V-8 Codes
- G = 318 V-8
- L = 383 2bbl V-8 290hp
- N = 383 4bbl V-8 300hp
- H = 340 4bbl V-8 275hp
- U = 440 4bbl V-8 370hp
- V = 440 3x2bbl V-8 385hp
- R = 426 Hemi 425hp
Year: The Year of the model.
- 1 = 1971
Plant: Assembly plants - Chrysler used different plants to assemble vehicles
- A = Lynch Road
- B = Hamtramck
- C = Jefferson
- D = Belvedere
- E = Los Angeles
- G = St. Louis
- P = Wyoming
- R = Windsor
Sequential Number: This is the serial number of the vehicle. It is also the consecutive number of the car built at the plant that year (all models). Each plant started with number 100001. It is possible to have two vehicles with the same last sequential number from two different plants.
Build to Specs: The First box is used for destination country where the car was shipped.
Note: "I" Code did not have to be shipped outside of the USA. Some had been ordered by service men/women when over seas, then picked up at a USA dealer when they came home.
- U = USA
- C = Canada
- I = International
Vehicle Delivery and Handling: This code will tell you if it was for Publications, Demonstrator, sold to Customer order and so on. To see a list of "Y" codes view BODY CODES